Thursday 22 May 2014

The fisherman by Abbie Farwell Brown

Abbie Farwell Brown was an American author who lived from 1871-1927. She lived in the same house her entire life, experiencing many traditions in her New England community. Brown describes the life of a fisherman in this poem, showing how one’s profession becomes such a large part of a person’s life.

The Fisherman

By Abbie Farwell Brown

The fisherman goes out at dawn 

When every one's abed, 
And from the bottom of the sea 
Draws up his daily bread. 

His life is strange ; half on the shore 
And half upon the sea — 
Not quite a fish, and yet not quite 
The same as you and me. 

The fisherman has curious eyes ; 
They make you feel so queer, 
As if they had seen many things
Of wonder and of fear. 

They're like the sea on foggy days, — 
Not gray, nor yet quite blue ; 
They 're like the wondrous tales he tells 
Not quite — yet maybe — true. 

He knows so much of boats and tides, 
Of winds and clouds and sky ! 
But when I tell of city things, 
He sniffs and shuts one eye !

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Touristic TOUR

Last Tuesday, we went out the school. We had a wonderful time learning about our beautiful city. Romanesque churches, Gothic palaces and Modernist buildings were the scene in which 1st course of Secondary Education explained, in their perfect English, legends, monuments and arquitectural features. Thanks a lot for that amazing and exiting day. You are the best.

Here you are a lovely photo in front of San Cipriano Church

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Touristic Booklet 1B

We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
T.S. Elliot

Touristic Booklet 1C

I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel´s sake. The great affair is to move.
Robert Louis Estevenson

Monday 7 April 2014

Touristic Booklet 1A

Here you are our fantastic booklets, you can choose among the different possibilities that 1st A students offer to discover our fabulous world. 

"The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page."
Saint Augustine

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Why colours are important?

My favorite color was black because when I was a child, I had got a black dog. Its name was Elca; Elca was the best dog in the world in my opinion, because we played for a long time together.

Right now, my favorite color is green, because the football grass is green and I love football, so I love the green color and my two favorite colors are red and blue Barcelona F.C colors.

Ángel Gago 1B

Der Blaue Reiter/The blue rider

Colours are impoprtant in our lives. From my point of view, I think that we need colours, beuse life in black and whiteis very boring. Life is made of colours: the sky, the floor, the sea...Colours make life beautiful. They aren´t only important for me, they are  important for all the people in the world. If we think, there are many types of colours around us: blue, light blue, dark blue...
Life is nothing without colours!!!!!

David Hernández 1B

Liz Taylor by Andy Warhol

Thursday 27 February 2014

Touristic Booklet 1A

Working on it
China by Mr. Dimínguez

Zamora by Mr. Andrés

Cnina by Miss Fan